Wednesday, January 30, 2013

African American after Reconstrution

1. What was the name of the school that Booker T. Washington started?
  • Tuskegee Institute
2. Whom did Booker T. Washington recruit to head the agriculture department at Tuskegee Institute?
  • George Washington Carver
3. Booker T. Washington's autobiography is entitled:
  • Up From Slavery
4. What president did Booker T. Washington dine with?
  • Teddy Roosevelt
5. With whom did Booker T. Washington often come into conflict?
  • W.E.B. Du Bois

Mit-Term Exam Reflection

Mit-Term Exam was not that hard so , I did do great on it for the most part. Thanks god !

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

China & WW1


1. Wich country's intrest did the Open Door Policy in china favor?
  • United States
2. What were the reasons behind the Boxer Rebellion?
  • Chinese martial artists did not want foreigners in china.
3. List three causes of World War I?
  • Nationalism, Imperialism,Militarism, Fromation of alliances
4. How did the U.S. deal with Greman U-boats?
  • They had all American ships guarded with military vessels.
5. What was the Selective Service Act used for?
  • It required all men to register into the military and                                                                             that they could be picked to go at any time.
6. What new weapons did WWI introduce?
  • The tank and the airplane.
7. How did Espionage and Sedition Act affect Freedom of
     Speech and Labor Unions?

  • It gave the government the right to fine people and sentenc them to up to 20 years in jail for saying anything bad about  the war. it affected labor unions because they were found guilty of the is the went on stike for higher pay.
8. Why was there opposition to President Wilson's League of Nations?
  • Some people felt that the U.S. should mind there own buisness                                                      and others thought it would push the U.S. into anther European war.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

American Imperism after Spanish - American War

a. How did the U.S change Cuba's constitution?
  • United States insisted that Cuba add its constitution, known as the Platt Amendment
b. What did the Roosevelt Corollary build on?
  • Roosevelt Corollary built on the Monroe Doctrine.
c. Pancho Villa was pursued by whom?
  • John J. Pershing and about 15,000 soldiers.
d. How did the U.S. get the land for the Panama Canal?
  • Panama got it's independence from Colombia and the U.S and panama signed a treaty. The U.S paid 10 million to Panama and then an annual rent of $250,000.
e. What is meant by “speak softly and carry a big stick"?
  • All U.S negotiations will be backed up by military.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Spanish American War

a.  Why did Jose Marti destroy US property?
  • He wanted to provoke the US into war because the gurilla's wanted freedom in Cuba.
 b. Who did the de Lome Letter criticize? What were the consequences? How did the letter become public?
  • The letter criticized President McKinley and said he was weak and only did things for his image. Cuban rebel stole the letter and gave it to a yellow journalist.
c. Who was the winner of the Spanish-American War and what did they receive?
  • The United States won the war and they received Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
d. How was the Spanish American War connected with American Imperialism
  • The United States wanted more land, so they fought the Spanish, who were in the process of annexing. 
 e. How was the war started? Was it proper?
  • Numerous things started the war, someone blew up a ship, yellow journalism, de Lome letter, and public demand. I do think it was proper because someone already made an attack at them.

Friday, January 11, 2013


  • New immigrants move to cities because it was cheap and lot of jobs.
  • What law was enacted to decrease Chinese immigrants to us Chinese
  • the meat inspection act Upton Sinclair's book the j
  • they came by steamships
  • the gentleman agreement did what decreased Japanese immigration and or desegregated  class room.
  • the smaller unied sinter
  • The social reformers
  • the main purpose of amercaniztion,so they can learn american culture
  • industrial workers of the world lWW was organized by radical unionists, socialist.
  • the illegal use of political power for personal gain is graft.
  • this new mettal allowed the us is steel.
  • reilroads to help train traviler
  • tenement
  • what would best reduce was competition
  • theses people how work for less money are called scabs
  • electricity
  • patronage is putting a friend into a jod

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coming to the United States 1870’s

1)How much time was the trip from Europe and Asia, and how would you have liked it?
The trip across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe took approximately one week, while the Pacific crossing from Asia took nearly three weeks. There were no airplanes during that time period which meant they all had to travel through steamships which were much slower.
I would of dislike it because it was crowded, filled with diseases, and alot of people died becouse of that.
2)What are the names of the main immigration processing stations in San Fransisco and New York? Describe the immigrant's experience at each.
Castle Garden in New York, which was later moved to Ellis Island in New York Harbor. Immigrants were detained for a day or more before they were inspected. Processing immigrants took five hours or more. They has to pass a physical examination by a doctor, people with diseases were sent home, if they passed they would then report to a government inspector. The government inspector would check documents and questioned them. One of the requirements included proving that they never been convicted as a felony.
 3)How did Denis Kearney try to stop Asian people from entering California in 1882? Why did he do this, and how would you feel if you were Chinese?
 -Denis Kearney tried to stop Asian people from entering California in 1882 by the Chinese Exclusion Act. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned entry to all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourist, and government officials.amination by a doctor, people with diseases were sent home, if they passed they would then report to a government inspector. The government inspector would check documents and questioned them. One of the requirements included proving that they never been convicted as a felony.
4)In 1907-08 the Gentleman's Agreement did two things. What were they?
In 1970-08 the Gentleman's Agreement was that Japan's government agreed to limit emigration of unskilled workers to the United States in exchange for the repeal of the San Fransisco segregation order.
The Agreement did two things, first of all it limited emigration of unskilled workers to the United States. Secondly, the exchange for the repeal of the San Fransisco segregation order.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Meat Inspection Act

Upton Sinclair was a guy how dreams of hope and desires. He brought his faith to the U.S. Upton Sinclair wrote a book "The Jungle" about how the meat factories are unhealthy and had bad working condition.

 The jungle affected the way Americans thought about the ways meat was produced because the people don't want their meat to be unhealthy to eat. Upton Sinclair was progressive because if he didn't write that book Americans would of been eat nasty meat the can cause sickness and death