Who proposed the Civil Right Act of 1964, and why was it prosoed ?
-John F. Kennedy proposed the Civil Right Act .
Which group were affected by the Civil Right Act of 1964?
Monday, June 3, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Pop Culture 1950's
1. What media exploded in the 50's and how did buisness respond to this explosion?
-Television exploded and some buisnesses benfitted but not all.
2. Why did critics not like television?
-Women and minorities werent allowed on television. African Americans and Latinos were rarely on television and this had a big effect on children.
3. Whats so ironic about rock and rooll music in the 1950's?
- It was created by African Americans but consumed by whites.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The American Dream 1950's
What were some causes for the baby boom?
- Some causes for the baby boom was the war was over and love ones came home and wanted to start a family.
- Had to make more jobs, new school and homes.
- Women were considered homemakers and the role was glorified in society. They were also refered to as "key figures in all suburbia ... keepers of the suburban dream.
- Easy credit terms and extensive advertisement persuaded Americans to buy cars in record numbers causing the American car explosion.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Truman's Labor Policy
1. What were some of the significant challenges pres. Truman faced after WWII?
Some of the significant challenges truman faced were that 12 million soldiers return to look for jobs, African Americans wanted equal rights and people who sacrified to defeat the Nazis and Japan wanted to end the rationing and shortages of consumer goods.
2. How did Truman try to help returning G.I.s get jobs after WWII, and how effective was he? Explain your opinion.
He was effective because he help by including a minimum wage, guaranteed employment, medical insurance, housing aid, improve benefits for war veterans and wage and price controls
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The American Teenager of the 1950's
1. How did the lives of teenagers change after TGD and WWII? Explain.
-Because they were introduced to new products that were making teenagers spend there money.
2.What is "White Flight" was it good for society? "
-The white flight was good for the white people but not good for the minoritys.
3.Why did many mexicans immigrate to the U.S before the 1950's
-Because they have better jobs and they were in a program to help them.
Postwar America 1950's
1. What was the u.s economy like during WWII? How were Americans doing?
- The economy was really bad because people were dieing or becoming really poor.
2. How did the American economy transform after the great depression and WWII?
- People learnd how bad it can be if the graet depression came again so people started changing how they lived.
3.Why would a company like google not do well in the 1950's
- Because eventually there would be something better then google and google wouldnt last.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Boy in Striped Pajamas ~ Analasis Question
1.The father was so secrevtive about about why the way the family moved because he didn't want them his family to know hes a bad person and kills jews.
2. Brunos taught about the jews was evil and started the war.
3.The event significant to Brunos mother thinks that jewish people are not what they make them out to be.
4.Brunos father evelved and tranformed from a loving father into a monster, because he took his family to a place were they are unhappy and hes killing the jewish.
5.The kind of boy that bruno was at first was nieve and he transform into a bad little boy hows alway doing something.
2. Brunos taught about the jews was evil and started the war.
3.The event significant to Brunos mother thinks that jewish people are not what they make them out to be.
4.Brunos father evelved and tranformed from a loving father into a monster, because he took his family to a place were they are unhappy and hes killing the jewish.
5.The kind of boy that bruno was at first was nieve and he transform into a bad little boy hows alway doing something.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Japanese Intrnment & Justice
1. Why were Americans afraid of Europe?-The Soviet Union created a political system called communism and most believed that it was a threat to the way the United States did things.
2. What did the Russians want in Europe?
- Russians encouraged communism and they wanted to rebuild Europe's economy using their materials and goods. They also wanted to use Eastern Europe to control the United States' influence on the Western part of Europe.
3. What did Americans want in Europe?- The United States wanted to recreate European governments so that the US can gain new markets for new goods. They also meddled, wanting to reunited Germany, thinking that Europe would be more productive if Germany were together again.
Friday, May 10, 2013
The Study Guide
The G.I. Bill of Rights made it possible for Veterans to do what?
- attend college for free
- African-Americans did really well economically
- income tax, wage/price controls, war bonds
- Phillip Randolph
- Zoot-Suit Riots\
- Internment of Japanese-Americans
- Gen. Patton
- Truman wanted to end the war and save American lives
- Gen.MacArthur
- U.S., Great Britain, Soviet Union
- Germans, Italy, Japan
*What year did the unemployment rate peak? | 1933 | |
#2 | *Unemployment was lowest in what year? | 1944 |
#3 | Which government agency was created to fight inflation? | Office of Price Administration |
*What year did the unemployment rate peak? | 1933 | |
#2 | *Unemployment was lowest in what year? | 1944 |
#3 | Which government agency was created to fight inflation? | Office of Price Administration |
What year did the unemployment rate peak? | 1933 | |
#2 | *Unemployment was lowest in what year? | 1944 |
Thursday, May 9, 2013
WWII in the Pacific
1.Who promised to "return" to liberate the Philipines?
2. What reasons did the POTUS use for using atomic bombs?
3. In 1942, why were the Allies under-strenght to fight Japan?
- Douglas MacArthur
2. What reasons did the POTUS use for using atomic bombs?
- He wanted peace and saved houndreds oof Americans. He thought that if they throw the bombs Japan would surrender and after the secound bomb they did.
3. In 1942, why were the Allies under-strenght to fight Japan?
Japanese Interment and Justice
1.What does the word "interment" mean to you?
- Confinement-meaning they were trapped or prisoned during wartime
2.Why were Japanaese Americans interned in Manzanar?
- Because the japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and they sent all japanese race to a concentration camp because they thought every japanese were spy's
3.Why were Japanese interment Policies wrong?
- Old woman and children were given curfews and people "workers" who disobey orders were stabbed and shot
The End of WWII
1.Was Gen.MacArthur a successful general?
- Yes,he captured the prime minister also defeated,bataan,leyte,and iwo sima
2.Explain how successful the G.I Bill was to returning?
- You'll get paid education as in free College education. You'll get paid College education
3.Why were Mexicans in L.A infairly treated after the war?
- They were beated up by sailors
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
“WWII Across the Atlantic Ocean"
1.Who was the supreme Commander in Europe and was he sucessful?
- Dwight D. Eisenhower, and because an Unconditional Surrender
2.What was the the significance of "D-Day"
- It was the first invasion with allies in france.
3.Was Gen.Patton an Effective leader?
- Yes, He lieberated France against Nazi's
4.Why was the battle of the bulge significant?
- Hitler's Last chance to get victory
Friday, April 26, 2013
Copying with the War at Home
1. What was the OPA, and what was their job?
-The office of price administration OPA.
2. What was the purpose of the OSRP?
- To bring scientist into the war.
3. In what ways did Americans scarifice during WWII?
- They didn't have shoes, meat, milk, They didn't get the things they needed when they needed it.
4. How similar or different were your sacarfice during the iraq and afghanlstan wars?
- Didn't have to sacarfice anything.
Monday, April 22, 2013
U.S. Slowly Moves Towards WWII

1. What was Lend-Lease, and what countries did it benefit?
- The president would lend or rent weapons and supplies to "any country whose defense was vital to the United States". The Soviet Union and England benefited from it.
2. What did Roosevelt call German U-boats?
- Roosevelt called U-boats rattlesnakes
3. How would you describe Roosevelts opinion of war?
- Well at first he was neutral but was supporting the Soviet Union and England by giving them weapons and supplies. But then Japan bomb in Pearl Harbor and that's when the U.S. entered WWII
Thursday, April 18, 2013
WWll Key Term
1. Allies-A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose, typically by treaty.
2. Axis- A straight line about which a body or geometric object rotates or may be conceived to rotate.
3. Defence Spending-A military budget of an entity, most often a nation or a state, is the budget and financial resources dedicated to raising
4. Unemployment Rate-The percentage of the work force that is unemployed at any given date.
5. Federal Outlay-Are not treated as receipts or outlays.
6. Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic-(Number 7)
7. German U-boats-German submarines
8. Isolationists-Policy of "mind your business"
9. Appease-To give in
10. Lend-Lease Act-Law that allowed President of the United of the States (POTUS) to sell weapons to our friends
11. Office of Price Administration-U.S. federal agency, established to prevent wartime inflation.
12. Inflation-When prices for goods/service increases but income remains the same
13. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt-Leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic depression and total war.
14. Pres. Harry S. Truman -After Roosevelt died, Truman lead the United States and successfully concluded World War II. Which after marked the start of the Cold War.
15. Phillip Randolph-Leader of the African-American civil-rights movement, the American labor movement and socialist political parties.
16. Gen. Patton-General in the United States Army, best known for his command of the Seventh Untied States Army, and later the Third United States Army, in the European Theater of World War II.
17. Gen. MacArthur-Commanded Allied forces in the Pacific Theater during World War II.
18. Gen. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of U.S. Forces-Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe; he had responsibility for planning and supervising the invasion of North Africa in Operation Torch and the successful invasion of France and Germany from the Western Front
19. Adolph Hitler-Germany, Nazis
20. Benito Mussolini-Italy
21. Joseph Stalin-Soviet Union/Russia
22. Winston Churchill-England/United Kingdom
23. Battle of the Bulge-The last stand for Germany
24. D-Day-Offensive by Allies to take over Europe
25. Auschwitz-Jewish concentration camp
26. Atomic bomb
27. Interment-Camps on West Coast used to detain Japanese Americans
28. Income tax-Percent of tax paid on personal income (paycheck)
29. Wage & price controls-Commonly instituted by governments as a response to inflation, and usually below market level.
30. War bonds-Debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war.
31. WAACs-Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WWAC) was created as an auxiliary unit.
32. WWII Battles of the Pacific-
33. GI Bill of Rights
WWll part 2
List all the countries the Nazi's invaded?
1. Austria
2. Czechoslovakia
3. Poland
4. Yugoslavia
5. Bulgaria
6. Greece
7. Romania
8. Hungary
9. Lithuania
10. Latvia
11. Estonia
12. Finland
13. Norway
14. France
16. the Netherlands
17. Belgium
18. Soviet Union
7. Romania
8. Hungary
9. Lithuania
10. Latvia
11. Estonia
12. Finland
13. Norway
14. France
16. the Netherlands
17. Belgium
18. Soviet Union
2.What was Munich Agreements, and what was Churchill's opinion of it?
On September 30, 1938, they signed the Munich Agreement, which turned the Sudetenland over to Germany
without a single shot being fired.
3. What is Blitzkrieg, and what was the purpose?
Blitzkrieg made use of advances in military technology, such as fast tanks and
more powerful aircraft
Friday, April 12, 2013
The Help
The Help is a movie film of the novel by Kathryn Seductively , that talks about African American maid and how the white people of Jackson Mississippi , show how the south tried to limit African Americans equality or as they say sarpit but different. The maid in the movie The Help tale there side of working for white young women and how the treat them and abuse them, as if they were still in slavery.
In one incident in the movie, is when African American were bron, they new what they were going to be when you grow up, and African American were pay less money work more hours. Most black family were not able to pay there bill because of the how much money the were getting. So when they couldnt serve off of the little money they were getting most children had to drop out of school to help pay the bills.
In another incident if black people were not allow to make books about any thing that has to do with working for white people. In this movie Emma Stone how plays Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan help the African American maid tale there side without getting in trouble with the goverment. When they people they work for are grow kids how have babys and they dont take care of them.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Great Depression REF.
#13 Which of the following was a goal of the New Deal?
- I got this one wrong because I was too question and pick answer.
#14 which of the following most directly responsible for creating new jobs and putting people to work?
-I was not being careless
#15 Who wrote the novel The Great of Wrath about the grim lives of Oklahomans fleeing the Dust Bowl during the Depression?
- I was very confusing with this question.
#16 __claimed that the New Deal polices were inadequate and proposed a social program called Share_Our_Wealth.
-Too quick to chose
#17 How many states were part of the Dust Bowl?
-Was not careful.
- I got this one wrong because I was too question and pick answer.
#14 which of the following most directly responsible for creating new jobs and putting people to work?
-I was not being careless
#15 Who wrote the novel The Great of Wrath about the grim lives of Oklahomans fleeing the Dust Bowl during the Depression?
- I was very confusing with this question.
#16 __claimed that the New Deal polices were inadequate and proposed a social program called Share_Our_Wealth.
-Too quick to chose
#17 How many states were part of the Dust Bowl?
-Was not careful.
Monday, March 25, 2013
TGD - How TGD Affected People of Color Pt.1
Why did Pedro Gonzalez become a Mexican American hero?
- Gonzalez was brave to talk about racism on the radio.
Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
- She was America's first female cabinet member & women to be in government.
What is the Black Cabinet", and who was the leader?
- “Black Cabinet” was influential African Americans to advise the Roosevelt administration on racial issues.
Monday, March 18, 2013
The Great Depression : Hoover
Herbert Hoover, a Republican president in the beginning of the Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because his ideas for getting people financially back on track did not work. For example, he raised prices of crops to help the farmers raise more money.This did not help the economy, nor did the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, since it only benefitted large corporations.
Farmers burned their corn, wheat and dumped their milk on highways rather than sell it for a loss. Some farmers refused to work their fields. They even blocked roads to prevent food from getting to the market so that the food shortages would raise the prices. During that time the farmers had used force to prevent foreclosure.
Other people like the ones in the Bonus Army marched up their and demanded for their money. The Bonus Army consisted of World War I veterans and their families.
Friday, March 15, 2013
The Great Depression : Hardships & Suffering
Describe the Dust Bowl. What caused it?
- It was a dust cloud filled with dirt. The dirt seeped into everything in its path. At first, it was a drought; then, farmers got rid of their landscape because the land wasn't suitable for farming.
A. Children, B. families, C. women, D. men, E. people of color.
- A.Children didnt go to school, they went to work or go get work.
- B. Since money was tight for families many families entertained themselves by staying at home and playing board games, such as Monopoly and listened to radio.
- C.Women had to start working.
- D. Men had diffculty finding working and searching for their families. Some men became hoboes.
- E. African Americans and Latinos were the lowest paid and had the highest rate of unemployment.
Who were "hoboes", and how did they travel?
- Hoboes were men out of work and they travel on trains and got rides from stranger.
- Fro meny of people the poverty and of haveing to scrimp and save. Also achieving financial security because the primary focus in life
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
1. What was the prohibition?
Prohibition was banning of alcohol.
2. What groups were responsible for the idea of prohibition?
The group that were responsible for the ide of Prohibition was Socila Reformers.
3. What were their reasons?
reason were that alcohol led to crimes, wife and chiled abuse, accident on the job, and other social problems.
People get illegal alcohol by underground.
5.What do you think?
I think it was a a bad idea because it caused more trouble because it made people do it illegaly.

Recreation in the U.S
1. When and why did Americans begin to recreate?
- Americans began to recreate during the 19th century. They began to recreate to fight of city congestion and dull industrial work. They enjoyed amusment parks, bicycling, new forms of theater, and spector sports.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
New Technology & The 1920s
New technology & the 1920s by shinasmith04 on GoAnimate
Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.
Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.
Monday, February 25, 2013
New Technology & The 1920s
1)How did the automobile affect America?
-Automobiles affected America because it changed America significantly. It opened many jobs because there was now roads, home garages, gas stations, motels, camp sites, shopping centers, traffic signals, etc.
2)What's urban sprawl, and what caused it?
-Urban sprawl is when cities spread out in all directions. The reason for urban sprawl is because of cars being created in the 1920's.
3)What was the first use of airplanes NOT during the war?
-The first use of airplanes NOT during the war was a carrying service for the U.S. Post Office.
4)Predict what's going to happen to the American economy.
-I predict Americans economy decreases because cars cost money and being able to go around enables people to spend more money. Also, new inventions were being created to enable people to have an easier life. Although, the new better inventions cost more money.

Friday, February 22, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The U.S. After WWI
1.Describe the feeling many American had after the WWI?
- Americans felt horrible after the war, they had to work more. They were tried of the war.
2.What were some reations by Americans to their post WWI feelings?
- They were afraid of outsiders, they practiced nativism and isolationism. They had a fear of communism too.
3.What did the Palmer raids acomplish? Why did palmer do the raids?
- He was going after political radicals. He was affraid of communism.
4.What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's?
- Their numbers grew by almost 600%. They feared that the African- Americans, jews and everybody else would be treated equally.
5.What was the quota system?
- the quota system was made to limit the number of immigrants coming over to the U.S.
6.Was the quota system discriminatory?
- yes the quota was discriminatory to people in Eastern and Southern Europe mostly Jews and Catholics.
7.How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
- Mexico was not affected by this system as well as Canada, this law did not apply to them.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Progressive Exam Reflection
I didnt think that I was going to do that good but that just shows when you do your work it shows.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Treatment of Peoples of Color
1. How did Mexicans earn a living in the late 1800's, and where did they do this work?
- Mexicans constructed rail lines in the Southwest. They also did some agriculture work. They worked in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma, becuase thats what the Southwest consists of.
2. Describe African - American life in the 1900's (where did they move to, what was their experience ?)
- African-American life in the 1900's was rough because some moved to the northern area but there was still discrimination and in the Southern area they had Debt peonage which is when laborers had to be a slave in order to work off the debt to the employer

Friday, February 1, 2013
Teddy Roosevelts Presidency
1.Teddy was born into a wealthy family in New York City on October 27, 1858 , he was a sickly child who suffered from asthma and stayed at home studying natural history and was home schooled. Roosevelt became an eager student at Harvard University.

2. A bully pulpit is a position sufficiently conspicuous to provide an opportunity to speak out and be listened to.

2. A bully pulpit is a position sufficiently conspicuous to provide an opportunity to speak out and be listened to.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
African American after Reconstrution
1. What was the name of the school that Booker T. Washington started?
- Tuskegee Institute
2. Whom did Booker T. Washington recruit to head the agriculture department at Tuskegee Institute?
- George Washington Carver
3. Booker T. Washington's autobiography is entitled:
- Up From Slavery
4. What president did Booker T. Washington dine with?
- Teddy Roosevelt
5. With whom did Booker T. Washington often come into conflict?
- W.E.B. Du Bois
Mit-Term Exam Reflection
Mit-Term Exam was not that hard so , I did do great on it for the most part. Thanks god !

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
China & WW1

1. Wich country's intrest did the Open Door Policy in china favor?
- United States
- Chinese martial artists did not want foreigners in china.
3. List three causes of World War I?
- Nationalism, Imperialism,Militarism, Fromation of alliances
4. How did the U.S. deal with Greman U-boats?
- They had all American ships guarded with military vessels.
5. What was the Selective Service Act used for?
- It required all men to register into the military and that they could be picked to go at any time.
6. What new weapons did WWI introduce?
- The tank and the airplane.
7. How did Espionage and Sedition Act affect Freedom of
Speech and Labor Unions?
- It gave the government the right to fine people and sentenc them to up to 20 years in jail for saying anything bad about the war. it affected labor unions because they were found guilty of the is the went on stike for higher pay.
- Some people felt that the U.S. should mind there own buisness and others thought it would push the U.S. into anther European war.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
American Imperism after Spanish - American War
a. How did the U.S change Cuba's constitution?
- United States insisted that Cuba add its constitution, known as the Platt Amendment
b. What did the Roosevelt Corollary build on?
- Roosevelt Corollary built on the Monroe Doctrine.
c. Pancho Villa was pursued by whom?
- John J. Pershing and about 15,000 soldiers.
d. How did the U.S. get the land for the Panama Canal?
- Panama got it's independence from Colombia and the U.S and panama signed a treaty. The U.S paid 10 million to Panama and then an annual rent of $250,000.
e. What is meant by “speak softly and carry a big stick"?
- All U.S negotiations will be backed up by military.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Spanish American War
a. Why did Jose Marti destroy US property?
- He wanted to provoke the US into war because the gurilla's wanted freedom in Cuba.
- The letter criticized President McKinley and said he was weak and only did things for his image. Cuban rebel stole the letter and gave it to a yellow journalist.
- The United States won the war and they received Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
- The United States wanted more land, so they fought the Spanish, who were in the process of annexing.
e. How was the war started? Was it proper?
- Numerous things started the war, someone blew up a ship, yellow journalism, de Lome letter, and public demand. I do think it was proper because someone already made an attack at them.
Friday, January 11, 2013
- New immigrants move to cities because it was cheap and lot of jobs.
- What law was enacted to decrease Chinese immigrants to us Chinese
- the meat inspection act Upton Sinclair's book the j
- they came by steamships
- the gentleman agreement did what decreased Japanese immigration and or desegregated class room.
- the smaller unied sinter
- The social reformers
- the main purpose of amercaniztion,so they can learn american culture
- industrial workers of the world lWW was organized by radical unionists, socialist.
- the illegal use of political power for personal gain is graft.
- this new mettal allowed the us is steel.
- reilroads to help train traviler
- tenement
- what would best reduce was competition
- theses people how work for less money are called scabs
- electricity
- patronage is putting a friend into a jod
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Coming to the United States 1870’s
1)How much time was the trip from Europe and Asia, and how would you have liked it?
I would of dislike it because it was crowded, filled with diseases, and alot of people died becouse of that.
2)What are the names of the main immigration processing stations in San Fransisco and New York? Describe the immigrant's experience at each.
Castle Garden in New York, which was later moved to Ellis Island in New York Harbor. Immigrants were detained for a day or more before they were inspected. Processing immigrants took five hours or more. They has to pass a physical examination by a doctor, people with diseases were sent home, if they passed they would then report to a government inspector. The government inspector would check documents and questioned them. One of the requirements included proving that they never been convicted as a felony.
3)How did Denis Kearney try to stop Asian people from entering California in 1882? Why did he do this, and how would you feel if you were Chinese?
-Denis Kearney tried to stop Asian people from entering California in 1882 by the Chinese Exclusion Act. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned entry to all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourist, and government officials.amination by a doctor, people with diseases were sent home, if they passed they would then report to a government inspector. The government inspector would check documents and questioned them. One of the requirements included proving that they never been convicted as a felony.
4)In 1907-08 the Gentleman's Agreement did two things. What were they?
In 1970-08 the Gentleman's Agreement was that Japan's government agreed to limit emigration of unskilled workers to the United States in exchange for the repeal of the San Fransisco segregation order.
The Agreement did two things, first of all it limited emigration of unskilled workers to the United States. Secondly, the exchange for the repeal of the San Fransisco segregation order.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The Meat Inspection Act
Upton Sinclair was a guy how dreams of hope and desires. He brought his faith to the U.S. Upton Sinclair wrote a book "The Jungle" about how the meat factories are unhealthy and had bad working condition.
The jungle affected the way Americans thought about the ways meat was produced because the people don't want their meat to be unhealthy to eat. Upton Sinclair was progressive because if he didn't write that book Americans would of been eat nasty meat the can cause sickness and death
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